Thursday, 24 January 2013

A Sort of Homecoming

Over this Spring, my wife and our family are going home to Sheffield. It will be an experience as it always is. For as many years as I have lived in Santa Barbara, I'll always be a Sheffield boy at heart.

The Human League- "Blind Youth"

What you see in this video is literally where I grew up. From the concrete jungle mixed with buildings hundreds of years old to the almost cold feeling that conveys to the musical sounds that came from my childhood era Sheffield is very unique. In fact, this video literally makes me homesick for the better days of my life.

Some cities are simply more unique than others. I currently live in the American Rivera and it is as unique as well. If not such a contrast, I don't think I'd be here for so many years.
Godley and Creme-"Cry"

The main reason behind my trip is that my little sister tested positive for Huntington's Disease. Its time for big brother to step up to the plate.

Another reason for this trip on Spring Break is to take our oldest children to see where their father is laid to rest in North Ireland. Yes, after a year it is time for us to visit the Belfast Child.  

Simple Minds-"Belfast Child"

His mother will be coming along for the journey, having chosen to remain here in the States to help raise her grandchildren. This trip will be a sort of homecoming. For Corrine, for my children, and for me.

U2 - "A Sort of Homecoming"

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