Thursday 22 September 2011

Just some old music and random thoughts

My feet were jerking keeping me up. By the time the jerking stopped but not before my OCD ran into overdrive. I had to talk to my OCD voice to stay in reality.

These two songs have special meaning for me so I'm going to share them with you. The first one is by Bob Seger. Early in my dating career I chose, knowing I had a 50/50 shot of geting HD, to avoid long term relationships. The only one I had ended up with dishes being thrown when I refused to be tested after my leg jerks had begun. So this song reminds me that its okay to just have tonight. It doesn't mean I am selfish, but only that I don't want someone to fall for me and then be stuck cleaning the droll out of my mouth. That's just not fair.

The second song I came across was an old classic. I feel a lot like Brandi's sailor lover today. Right now I'm honestly more interested in places than people. HD can do that to you with depression and anxiety among other psychological disorders. Scary stuff I don't want to put on other people, you know?
Well that's about it for today, thanks for reading my first post. I am looking forward to blogging in the future. I'm even on Twitter now as well! PaulWorre @ Twitter

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